Today I got a lung biopsy. A young doctor put a scope down my windpipe and into my right lung, had a look around, and probably scooped out a little piece.
I thought It'd be an unpleasant experience, but fortunately I wasn't around for it. Without requesting it, I got enough happy juice in my IV to render me unconscious, so I never saw the dreaded scope.
I must not have had too much anesthetic, 'cause it's pretty much worn off now and I feel great.
So now between that, and the PT scan I'm getting on Monday, by midweek we should pretty much know just what it is that I've got.
I'm feeling pretty good about this, truly. And my yoga class is delivering more than my expectations for it anticipated, so that's great. And I'm not smoking nor using a nicotine patch, and I feel terrific. Maybe I'm finally free of that stuff at last.
Better late than never. And in the words of the old negro spiritual, as Dr. King once said, "Free at last; free at last; Great God A'mighty, I am free at last."
Breaking free of those bad habits was really swell to hear about.
That Bronchoscope is an amazin' looking piece of kit...great to hear that you've given the smokes a kick in the ass.
On another note Dave, went to see Jackson Browne last night, dunno if you're a fan but I have to tell you it was just the best night Ive had in a long time...60 is definitely the new 40...Boomers Rock!!!
Hi, guys. Yeah, the bronchoscope lends new meaning to the phrase, "Up your nose with a rubber hose."
Rod, I hope you blogged Jackson Browne. I'm going there now.
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