Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back to the Sources

I'm sitting in the Neptune Coffee Shop on Greenwood, getting ready for yoga class in about two hours, and they're playing all that "modren jazz." If these guys would ever stop tuning up and just play something -- you know, get together on "Stardust" or "Lady, Be Good" or something like that -- they might be OK.

As it is, this stuff gives me shingles. Even if it was good I wouldn't like it.

Got up this morning and did some yoga. Breathing was a little difficult because of frequent coughing, but overall was strong and regular, now that I'm acknowledging emphysema and using a count and a rhythm that work for me. Asana went very well indeed, and felt good, especially in my sore shoulder and back, which are now considerably less sore. I wish I had the time to do it every day, and I will -- soon.

Tonight's class should be stimulating. I imagine there should be some discussion of the sutras, especially Patanjali's aphorisms 1.3 and 1.4.

1 comment:

Joe said...

"I'm sitting in the Neptune Coffee Shop on Greenwood, getting ready for yoga class in about two hours..."

^Relaxation is important is maintaining health.