Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Golden Hour

Practice is now nearly exactly one hour, starting with an improvised prayer (but always including the Serenity Prayer), and proceeding through asana, savasana, pranayama, and a short session of very basic chanting. It's the best hour of the day.

The face I saw yesterday during pranayama didn't return today. Instead, I had visions of the ocean; as I inhaled the wave came in, and then receded on the exhale. I think I should take a one-day trip to the ocean at Westport this month, while I still can drive and still have a car.

The asana routine is beginning to become automatic, so I'd better study Gary's asana/chakra meditation routine in the "intellect" chapter of "Yoga for Transformation," and start incorporating some of it. I also was instructed in one of my recent vivid dreams to learn the chant "Ganapati."

Lots of homework for class this week. We have to draw up a new sequence, so I'd better get started today or tomorrow.


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