Saturday, May 16, 2009

45 Minutes

Starting at the end because it's freshest in my mind, I thanked God for this life, complete with all its hardships, after chanting: OM -- OM Namaha -- OM Shanti.

Pranayama was 22 breaths well executed, but made difficult by the incessant shaking in the right hand and forearm due to Parkinson's Disease. This past week, Karrie, a fellow student in yoga teacher training, mentioned that the hospital where she works puts on a weekly yoga class for Parkinson's patients. Must email her, and check this out further.

Asanas went extremely well, and included dhanurasana, the difficult bow-shaped back bend today, as suggested in Gary's routine from "Yoga for Transformation," pages 70-88, the text upon which this entire practice is founded. It seemed to even out and regulate the breath for the remainder of the routine.

Began with the standard prayer, asking for help, and accepting the will of That Which Never Changes.

Today's number is seven.


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