Saturday, May 09, 2009

Captain Crunch

Thursday night in class our maestra, Captain Crunch, led us through a backbends practice. Since most of them were initiated from a prone position (lying on the belly), it was kind of like doing reverse crunches for two hours.

I've always tended to stay away from those things because I'm missing a disc at my L5/sacro-iliac intersection, but I'm going to have to change that thing. Not only did the back get stronger as the practice progressed, but I was able to do a full bow pose (dhanurasana) at the culminating point, and hold it, and breathe fully while in it.

Although I was a little sore afterward, I woke up the next morning feeling grate! So this morning, 36 hours later, I'm ready for a second helping.

Captain Crunch seems hard at times, but apparently she knows best.


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