Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Early Morning Practice

Actually got up and got into practice uncharacteristically early this morning, since I've got a busy schedule through the late morning and afternoon. I did so after typing up a short, quick, angry, aggressive, insulting, rude, and truthful blog post on BNet and Catboxx, which complicated the process of establishing an optimum yoga practice mentality.

At some point the bullshit narrative we've been subjected to for the past 30 years is going to collapse under the weight of its own endlessly-repeated lies, and it'll be 1968 again. Until then, it's hard to gaze upon any aspect of the war-and-money machine whose tentacles have embraced every aspect of American life since the ascendancy of the Emperor Ronald without being overtaken by outrage and disgust. And for a person keeping a busy schedule, starting the day that way throws some difficulties in the way of sitting down 15 minutes later for a tranquil hour of self-reflection, concentration on the details of movement, and meditative breathing. But where there's a will, there's a way.

We're living in a bifurcated universe, seeking personal peace in an unjust and violent world where there is no peace. Was it always this way?

Photo, "San Francisco Stenciled Sidewalk," by Dave Brice, 2008.


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