After everything I've done trying to change my life, one thing is still the same: drug dependency.
If I don't get the right drugs I come apart in a big hurry.
Nicotine is the worst one, but I'm still pretty dependent on marijuana too. That I need to stay with, since it helps control the shakes. I probably need the caffeine in coffee also.
I'm not smoking cigarettes at all, and it looks more and more like I'm truly done with that (thank God). But when I try to take off that nicotine patch for a couple hours too long I get very ugly and truculent. So I need to get off this nicotine, to quit for good and be done with it forever. It's not doing anything for me.
So I'll slow down, and in another month and a half jump off. That will put a very late, last ending on a story that started 51 years ago.
"Tempus Fugit" read the inscription on the sundial set into the schoolhouse wall in 1958.
at least you are legal.
at least you are legal.
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