Friday, March 17, 2006

Going Public

Today there's going to be an anti-Iraq War protest somewhere near you. Hope for good weather, and let's all be there. If a couple million people turn out nationwide somebody'll have to notice.

Individual voices of the kind we give vent to here on the internet don't amount to much, since we mostly just talk to each other. We'll have to act in unison if we want to send a message.

So let's send one: We're sick to death of these warmongering, torturing, civilian-bombing, lying, money-grubbing, imperialistic, arrogant, aggressive, self-righteous, hairsplitting, wrong-headed bloodsuckers and money-grubbers.

Bring the troops home now, and send George Bush back to Crawford to cut brush and shovel manure in somebody else's direction.

And don't forget: the Berlin Wall, the Iron Curtain, and the Evil Empire itself were brought down by relentless, continuous, unyielding mass disobedience.

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