Monday, March 07, 2011


I didn't want to admit it, but now I have to. And along with the admission comes yet another significant drug-related change in behavior. Where does all this change stuff end?

I've been drinking too much coffee. For years. The habit, which we fall into thinking it will make us more energetic and alert, ruined my sleep and ended up having the opposite effect.

I discovered this about a week ago when for some reason I didn't feel like having my usual two or three late-afternoon cups of hot, black Java. I had peppermint tea instead, then slept like a baby that night, without the usual two, three, or four hours of restless tossing that has been ruining my nights. For years.

Since then I've been repeating the performance every day and every night, so I guess it's now a rule -- no coffee after noon.

I'd read for years that drinking coffee in the afternoon will keep a person awake at night, but persisted in thinking myself an exception to the rule. Life is rough on the banks of denial.

Gato Tranquilo


Shopdog 50 said...

Good for you! Well done!

©∂†ß0X∑® said...

The new mattress helps too. It's as firm as a hearty handshake and very easy on the back.