Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Robber Barons Strike Again

As probably everyone who surfs the net is now aware, telephone and cable corporations such as American Take and Take, Malorizen, and Nextelrip are planning to steal the internet from us, so they can then sell it back to us in the form of premium bandwidth.

I signed the e-petition being circulated by Ohio Congressional candidate Charles Sanders, one of several such paper darts now in the works aimed at preventing this blatant act of piracy. However, the attempt to head off the heist of the century will most likely be futile, since the sacrosanct and holy institutions of "free" enterprise, favored by God and the Republican Party, generally have things their way in this country.

However, since the petition and any attached message will be forwarded to my local newspaper, the Desert Sun, my local Congressman Jerry Lewis (the Nutty Professor -- might as well forget him) and California's two senators (Feinstein and Boxer -- a little more worthwhile than trying to reason with Lewis), I figured what the hell -- nothing to lose. So I signed it, and appended the following message.

Our corporate lords and masters have now smelled an opportunity to steal, rob, and plunder something that's been free for us peasants up until now. Their rationale for this intended act of brigandage is that internet bandwidth exists, it can be sold, and therefore they are somehow entitled to appropriate and sell it. This is their usual m.o., to steal then sell back to us everything on the planet -- bandwidth, air, water, and the right to stand up and walk around on God's green earth.

They won't get away with it this time. Their internet would be way too easy to sabotage.

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