Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Support Our Troops!!

An Air Force Reserve colonel may be arrested for vandalizing cars in a parking lot at the Denver Airport by spray painting anti-Bush slogans on them.

Col. Alexis Fecteau (hmm...French name) allegedly targeted cars with Bush/Cheney bumper stickers. He'd use his can of black paint to spray over the bumper stickers, then sprayed "Fuck Bush" somewhere on the car.

When I posted this on the U.S. Politics board at Beliefnet, people were suitably horrified, the most stricken among them insisting that Col. Fecteau be court-martialed under the provisions of Article 133: Conduct Unbecoming an Officer. Oh, I guess, although I seem to recall that it was high-ranking army officers who thought up and implemented the Agent Orange program in Vietnam. But then, I haven't read the military Code of Conduct, so I don't know what conduct unbecoming consists of.

Truthfully, the only thing that bothers me about the Clouseau-like Col. Fecteau is that he was stupid enough to be doing his work in a place where there were surveillance cameras.

He's obviously too dumb to be a colonel. So I say promote him! He's dumb enough replace Paul Wolfowitz.

Incidentally, does anybody know what job Wolfy the genius is doing these days? I haven't heard much about him lately.

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