Tuesday, August 06, 2013

old friends

This reading uses the same format as the one of two weeks ago, so it should already be familiar.

So are most of the individual images, no matter how conscientiously I shuffle multiple times and cut the deck into threes.

For example, the jack of clubs is here, just as he was less than a month ago, "with his head lost in the books and among the obscura mathematicis." Just above him the queen of diamonds and money, who also showed up in the most recent spread of two weeks ago, cautioning us again to guard against wastage of resources, since she "tends to be a spendthrift, generous to a fault sometimes, but is not likely to be a deadbeat or bankrupt."

Nine hearts is regularly a player here, and as recently as two months ago I completely mis read the message of this card, and still haven't unscrambled it from the four of hearts by which it is generally accompanied. The two cards together send a conflicting, or mixed and confusing message, the nine saying "Bye, bye, love," and the four saying "Love lives here." But here, the nine stands alone. I have to think about it some more. 

Three diamonds indicates a degree of confusion or indecision about material matters, usually money, but our first trump, the chariot, tells us we'll easily ride out any material uncertainly..

Moving clockwise, and following the architecture of a nautilus, we encounter the hopeful signs enclosed in layers in the star, which foretells new birth and new wellsprings of energy.

Finally, the card in the center, the heart of the reading, promises basking in the sunlight of prosperity of every kind, in material, in strength and vitality, in harmonious existence, and, last but not least, having money to spend.

Clicketh thee upon the pic for to embiggen it. Photo and tarot cards ©2001, 2013 by Dave t. Brice, a.k.a. catboxer.

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