Friday, February 09, 2007


Regret -- "a painful sense of dissatisfaction or self-reproach"

Hillary Clinton said the other day of her "yes" vote on the authorization to use military force,"I take responsibility for having voted to give (Bush) that authority," and then followed up with "I have said clearly and consistently for quite some time that I regret the way the president misused the authority."

Nice try, Hill, but some of us took that required course called "Logic" as freshmen, and we actually know what "regret" means.

I can regret what I've done, but I can't regret something someone else has done. And what Hillary is doing here is verbal gymnastics -- trying to give the impression of being sorry while at the same time disclaiming responsibility for an immoral act she committed.

It's a world away from John Edwards's mea culpa.

This kind of dishonesty won't fly. We've learned enough to know what the definition of "is" is.

Clinton is Lieberman in a skirt. She's a dissembling, hypocritical, pro-war, pro-corporatocracy, pro-Israel lobby, big-donor suckup who embraces everything that's wrong with the political system, while trying to appear to be something else.

Having said that, I hope she gets the Democratic nomination. There are millions of progressives who will refuse to vote for her.

Think about it. McCain vs. Clinton. Two totally unacceptable candidates. The senile, incoherent ragehead versus the conniving, smug, and cynical operator.

Can you think of a better scenario for opening the door for a real, viable third party? Greens, anyone?

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