Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hug a Tree But Not a Joshua Tree

Workers and peasants of the Cyber Universe, stop it already! You have nothing to lose but your Visa cards.

And those ludicrous debts that go along with them. What did you actually get for those debts?

Gas is up. Housing is up. Health care is up. Have you noticed you're not able to buy as much shit as before?

The effects are monetary, but the solution is political. Uh oh, too bad our political system has failed.

A new political system will arise, one adapted to the new realities. We just don't know what it will be yet. So drop back ten yards and punt.

"War is not the answer," as a bumper sticker I saw on a Ford Expedition said the other day. Unfortunately, for that driver war is the answer. So do as George did (Clooney, not Bush), and buy an electric car.

You can't afford to heat and cool that McMansion any more. But you can probably afford a little piece of land and a tiny little house to put on it.

Forget about these clowns of the political circus. Be they George or Hillary or Howard or Tom, Dick, or Harry they can't help you.

Stop eating at McDonald's and donate to the food bank.

Take a beaver to lunch and save a tree.

Turn your thermostat up to 78 and don't forget to floss.

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