Thursday, June 16, 2005

Freedom Fries and Justice Sizzles

Steve the Agnostic, posting on Beliefnet's "U.S. Politics" board asks, What the hell will it take before you unwrap the flag from around your eyes long enough to admit that this administration lied repeatedly about the need for this war and any connection to the war on terrorism?

How much proof do you need?

Furthermore, How many incidents of torture in multiple locations will it take before you admit that torture was and is US policy?

Good questions, Steve.

What's it gonna take? Probably more of what we've been seeing, because what we've been seeing (Downing Street Memo, torture in the American gulag, car bombings of Iraqi civilians and homegrown security forces, U.S. service personnel killed) is finally starting to have an effect, even on some of the red-state yokels who have been cheerleading for this Iraqi debacle up until now.

Today Walter "Freedom Fries" Jones, the Republican representative from North Carolina who showed his contempt for France by courageously attacking their potatoes, introduced a bill on the floor of the House demanding that our beloved leader complete a plan for withdrawal from Iraq by the end of this year, the withdrawal to begin no later than 10/06.

Of course, this proposed plan wouldn't even surface for another six months, and the withdrawal wouldn't start for another 16 months. So it's really too little, too late, but hey, it's a start. It shows that the formerly impregnable fascist war-fever monolith is starting to crack.

When you're looking for defectors, you really want people like Wally Jones, a convinced reactionary, rather than cynical and sophisticated political AC/DC's like McCain, who is always trying to have it both ways.

Anyway, this war will be completely over long before 10/06, because at some point Congress is going to pull the plug on this booger by unfunding it, and Bush and Rumsfeld will have to go fish, eat crow, and bite the big one.

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