Monday, November 26, 2012

the breakup card

The five hearts is the breakup card; that's for sure. At least I've never known it to be anything else.

 When it showed in September I recalled the last time, in March of 2003, when it appeared in the same place -- top line, center of a nine-card "magic square," the sum of the future's spot -- as in the September recently passed.

 In that earlier appearance, I wrote at the time that it looked like my wife and I would be breaking up at some point in the not-too-distant future, even though at that time the relationship appeared strong, almost bulletproof. But it wasn't, and dissolved over a period of months in 2006 and 2007.

Trying to figure out where I am right now with this manifestation        of the old "cinco de corazones." Are we through with that thing and done with it, or is there more to come?

 The thing about the suited cards, or Minor Arcana as some people like to call them, is their blunt and crystal-clear meanings, as opposed to the trumps, which are large and vague enough to lend themselves to endless re-interpretation.

 I've considered attempting to read in the traditional Gypsy style, with a playing-card pack. That would produce an extremely blunt reading indeed.

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