Tuesday, August 28, 2012

nine-card spread

The nine-card spread, which I have heard (but not confirmed) is known among the Rom as "the magic square," helps a reader achieve easy and logical interpretation.

It's like this: the bottom rank (horizontal line) is behind; the middle is happening now, the top lies ahead. The files (or vertical columns) are indicators of character: the left vertical is the moon, or the feminine, and the right column is the sun-masculine. The center represents the resulting combination of the two, in a whole human being, with built-in contradictions and conflicts.

This is an especially productive spread to use in a joint reading for a heterosexual couple, with each person represented by a vertical column, and the relationship between them developing through time, as revealed by the relationships in the horizontal ranks.

Studying relationships among the cards present in the two three-card diagonals can yield information as well.

Photo and images on cards ©2010, 2012 by Dave B, a.k.a. catboxer. Click on the photo for a larger view.


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