Thursday, June 14, 2012

random cards @ mid month

The studious young Jack of Clubs is a personification of creative, highly-charged mental energy. Will this be something new?

  Seven Diamonds is the spiritual money card -- a real-life oxymoron. When it appears, we will wish to examine just how attached to our money we are, and cultivate a little gratitude for what we've got. This is a time when our faith in the abundance of the universe is tested.

Tarot trump IV, the Emperor, is a disciplined guy, in control of himself, and confident in his role as the head guy in charge of everything. But ask yourself, "Are we a bad leader? Demanding? Impatient? Unreasonable?" So don't say "My way or the highway," lest you find yourself set out upon that selfsame highway, going down that dirt road by yourself.

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