The cards for February indicate positive developments on the horizon, in keeping with my horoscope which says great things will be happening for me, especially the first five months of the year.
The two of spades predicts the start of some kind of partnership having to do with work or health (or both, since my work is health-related), but not romance; that would be the deuce of hearts. I have no idea who this new partner, friend, or associate might be.
Eight clubs is an indicator of highly-focused mental concentration, of pursuing one's goals with an intense single-mindedness of purpose. That pretty much sums up my state of mind right now.
The trump card, Justice, indicates balance and amplifies the eight. If you're sure of yourself and your goals are creative and aimed at helping people, having a mission is not fanatical, but merely a sign of determination.
This is the first month of the last quarter-year that I didn't draw the Fool card to the spread, which tells me I now have someplace to go.
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Etaoin Shrdlu
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