A California woman is suing Kraft foods because its guacamole consists of only two percent avocado.
Brenda Lifsey was outraged when she read the small print on a package of Kraft's green stuff, which is only green because the giant "food" manufacturer and wholesaler uses blue and yellow dyes to color the wheys, hydrogenated soybeans, coconut oil, corn syrup (gotta have that one), and something called "food starch" (the assorted starches of various foods?) that compose 98 percent of its faux-guac.
So without the dyes Kraft's frankenguac would be the color of...what? Dirty snow?
Thanks to AmericaBlog for alerting us to this item, although we've noted there seems to be some disagreement among the AmericaBloggers themselves over the efficacy and desirability of processed foods, especially the cheese-like ones. Well then, here's the word, for all you Velveeta eaters at AmericaBlog and elsewhere:
So, are you serious about "dropping out," showing your disdain for "the system" and "the establishment?" Do you ever find yourself muttering under your breath that you'd like to "stick it to the man?" Have you ever awakened from vivid midnight dreams and found yourself repeating, "I just wanna do my own thing, man!"? Then here's lesson number one: Processed food may be edible, but it's not food. Don't eat it except when faced with dire emergency, such as, you'll starve and die unless you eat Kraft guacamole right now.
Eating processed food all the time is advisable only if your life's most ardent desire is to have half your colon removed.
Here's the world's easiest recipe for real guacamole. My daughter showed me this.
*In a bowl mix the flesh of one, two, three, or more avocados.
*Add the juice of about a quarter lemon for each avocado, and pepper, to taste.
*Mash it up real good. Scoop it up with unsalted corn chips. Enjoy.
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