They stole our _______!
At the Battle of _______ in the _______ Century, they used unfair tactics to defeat us. We can't rest until we get revenge, by fighting fairly, of course.
Their religion is absurd and offensive. Did you know they actually believe __________? And they won't be happy until EVERYBODY believes it!
It's not "politically correct" to say so, but science has proven them to be _______. And they smell weird.
They live like animals. Children, education, and the future don't mean anything to them because they live only for __________.
Their music is crude and primitive, and encourages people to _______.
Can you believe they eat _______? Think about that — they actually put _______ in their mouths.
They want to have sexual intercourse with our women.
There are so many of them because all they do is _______! If we're not careful we'll be submerged beneath a flood of ________!
If there's anything worse than a _________, it's a _________-lover. Those who sympathize with them are, knowingly or unknowingly, helping them, and are on THEIR side.
Yes, there are a few good _________s. But better safe than sorry.
Okay, so, we killed ________ of them. but it was in self-defense. Violence is the only language they understand.
We may seem prejudiced, but only because the media is obviously pro-_______.
They're the reason we're so unhappy. If it wasn't for them, we might be have the time and inclination to confront and deal with our own character defects. And I have no idea what you mean by "projection."
This is a re-working of something I found while randomly surfing the net some time ago. I'd credit the source, but I can't recall where I got it.