Tiring of the unsightly and increasingly painful skin lesions that have popped up on various parts of the body over the past eight months, I finally saw a dermatologist. "Psoriasis," he said. "That's what I thought," says I. So now I have some new jelly to put on those nasty spots. This is a prescription med, so I'm hoping it works better than the over-the-counter ones I've tried.
Lesions didn't stop me from having a great practice this morning. The sun is finally shining in Seattle, and we're supposed to hit 70 degrees the next three days in a row. It's a pleasure to get out of bed in the morning and look out at the bright, moist world and abundant greenery of this charmed city. After the optimal two or three cups of coffee, it's time to sit cross-legged on a couple small cushions and attend to the breath, and so begin.
The stretches and bends, especially the back bends, feel wonderful after a night's sleep, and coax the body more fully awake. Pranayama quiets any Parkinson's tremor. All's right with the world.
It occurs to me that if I start feeling much better than I do now, I might have to seek more medical attention.