Thursday, January 26, 2006

Raise Hell

The little dictator, in his infinite wisdom, has decided to create a new category of criminal -- the "disruptor."

According to the WaPo story, a "little-noticed provision" in the most recent edition of the Patriot Act would enable the Secret Service to charge protesters with the crime of "disrupting major events including political conventions and the Olympics."

Examples of this now-illegal activity might include showing up at one of the dictator's speeches or staged events wearing a tee shirt that bears criticism of him, invading his sacred space by criticizing him to his face, or coming out from behind the razor wire at a political event (such as a convention) and openly protesting outside the limits of the "free speech" zone.

So much for the U.S. Constitution. It can now be lodged in a museum, along with the rotary phone and ladies' whalebone corsets. We apparently don't need it any more in this nameless political free-fire zone that used to be a country called the United States.

Of course, we can expect the faux-Congress, that body of late-empire sycophants and arse kissers that used to be a real legislature, to applaud this move, in exactly the same way as most of them spinelessly roll over when the dictator, having been caught illegally eavesdropping on citizens of the country that used to be the U.S., snarls that he possesses the power to do so because he's a "wartime president."

Whatever else the dictator might be, he is not a wartime president, any more than a Labrador retriever wearing fake antlers is a reindeer. His unilateral rape of Iraq is not a war, and I doubt that he's ever actually been elected. The evidence that he stole the election of 2000 is so abundant as to be irrefutable, and the 2004 head count only came off after the dictator and the Justice Department had spent several months discussing the feasibility of cancelling the election, which in the end was allowed only when the Gods of the Diebold electronic voting machine guaranteed the results.

It's time for us to send a clear message. If not us, who?

Well, the Democrats in Congress could do so, I suppose. William Rivers Pitt suggested that they observe the dictator's State of the Former Union Speech next Tuesday by standing up and walking out of the House chamber en masse on a pre-arranged signal. It's a great idea, but I doubt that today's Democrats have the intestines for such a bold move. Somebody might be offended.

So that leaves us as the only force available which might be able to convince the dictator that he'd be happier cutting brush in Crawford, Texas, than he is incinerating the Constitution in Washington. Next Tuesday, State of the Union night, we need to get out in the streets and join together in some noisy, disruptive, and not necessarily peaceful rallies to protest the dictatorship. There are specific instructions on the World Can't Wait website specifying where to go, what to do, and who to get in contact with.

If it's now possible to be arrested and jailed as a disruptor, I want to be the first. No, I insist: please arrest me and put me in jail.

If someone somewhere is compliling a list of enemies (and you know for sure someone is) of this country which used to be the United States, I want to be on it, if I'm not already.

Raise hell. This is not our country. This dictator is not a president, much less our president.

If he tries to continue doing what he's doing, there'll be trouble on a scale his little reptilian brain hasn't begun to imagine and really can't conceive.

Raise hell.

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